What's New


Theme from Schindler's List

Here's a snippet of the gorgeous theme tune from the 1993 Steven Spielberg film, Schindler's List. The music was originally written for one of my...

Violin Movie Music

I’ve been working on a lot of movie music recently, for two different projects with Cambridge Philharmonic and London Concertante. Possibly my favourite earworm from...

Spring Violin!

I had so many projects happening simultaneously in late March and early April, that I completely failed to update any social media. That’ll teach me...

Barnes Festival 2024

The weeks before Easter are a busy time for epic choir-and-orchestra pieces. In the past few weeks, I’ve jumped in to guest lead several different...

Shehada's Violin

I totally forgot I'd ever recorded this testimonial! I was browsing the website of my brilliant friend Shehada Shalalda, the Palestinian luthier, and came across...

1.0 Lillibullero

The tune Lillibullero has been going round and round in my head for AGES! It's such a lovely melody - allegedly written by Henry Purcell...

Simon Hewitt Jones c/o 1st Floor Studios, 41 Whitcomb Street, London, WC2H 7DT, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)20 3051 0080, E: info@simonhewittjones.com